Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Hermit Status

Here we are. We've arrived into a new year. Actually, we're over a month into the New Year but, to be fair, I started this post on January second. A lot has happened since January second. Not specifically in my life. I've been at home, avoiding people, per usual. 

In America, an awful lot has happened. The Capitol was attacked & we're finding out, as the news slowly comes out, so many were involved. It hurts my soul that so many people feel this was necessary to get their point across. 

I'm praying a lot. I'm doing what I need to do for self-care. I'm slowly morphing into the healed human that I can finally love. I'm learning that I am deserving of giving, and receiving love. You have to have "been there" to understand that last statement, I suppose. 

After deleting 800+ people from Facebook last year, I received a lot of mixed reviews. Much more shade than I would have liked but, that's what happens, I guess. I did, however, find out that who my friends actually are & I have very few. I finally deleted Facebook altogether after the Capitol attack. It's just not the kind of stress that I want to add to my days. 

Please keep in mind, deleting people wasn't intended to hurt feelings. I just had to stop sharing everything with everybody. 

I'm aware how incredibly shocking this is, considering I've always shared publicly. Again, it's not intended to be hateful. I promise. So, if I have deleted you, and you somehow stumble across this, I haven't stopped being the exact same person I've been, I just need some quiet. 

I notice, the less I ingest of other people's lives, the better off I am. The pickup & drop-off lines at school is the extent of my travel these day
s, unless there's a Wal-Mart pickup. That's about it. 

I've been back home about six months now, after adventuring out for about two years. I've been a stay-at-home-mom for so many years now, depression has proved difficult. Depression is a lot of things and it definitely doesn't do me any favors or cut me any slack but, I get up everyday & give this life all I've got. 

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