Evan doesn't take very many naps. Owen was the same way. He slept 30 minutes yesterday, 30 minutes the day before & he didn't take a nap at all the day before. He wakes up several times a night. He's eight months today & I'm nursing still. Point being: I'm a wee bit tired, but am used to very little sleep by this point. I mean, it's been eight months.
Naps were awesome for a while. I would sleep when the baby sleeps & all that good stuff. That sounds good, right? Sure it does. Who's doing the housework while everyone is asleep? EXACTLY. Piles of clothes turn into mountains of clothes. Ya, ya, ya, you get the point.
When an eight month old baby doesn't sleep, he/she gets cranky. Yep, sure does. When a 34 year old Mommy doesn't get much sleep for eight months & has zero time for herself, she gets cranky. Eek, now everyone in the house is ill & it's just not good. Nope. Not good at all. Let's just go outside for a walk and get some exercise, ya know? Exercise makes us feel better! I get us both ready and outside we go.
You guessed it, it's raining. Back in the house we go. Dern it. So, I prayed about it and guess what?
God IS Listening.
He knew that I needed a minute to regroup. He always knows exactly what we need. He is always listening. He can't be rushed. It doesn't work out in our time, it works out in His time.
I reflect on moments in my life & things that need adjusting (namely my attitude & how I react to things & people) and I know that HE IS IN CONTROL & when I evenly remotely think that I have control, He sets me straight.
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. (Mark 11:22 KJV)
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